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Homo en moslim - hoe - gaat dat samen? : 1001 vragen over islam en homoseksualiteit
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9057141469 Year: 2005 Publisher: Utrecht Forum: Instituut voor Multiculturele Ontwikkeling

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Mensen die ontdekken dat ze homoseksuele gevoelens hebben, raken vaak in verwarring. Dat geldt in het bijzonder voor gelovige moslims: ze zijn bang dat ze een zonde tegen de islam begaan, in hun omgeving is het onderwerp taboe en uitkomen voor dergelijke gevoelens kan zelfs tot verstoting leiden. Het is dan ook niet verwonderlijk dat de nood onder homoseksuele moslims groot is. Ze worden verscheurd door hun verlangen naar liefde enerzijds en de angst voor religieuze en sociale afwijzing anderzijds. Westerse hulpverleners die met deze cliënten en/of hun familie te maken krijgen, ontbreekt het vaak aan de elementaire kennis van religie en cultuur om goed op de hulpvraag te kunnen inspelen. In dit werk krijgen ze enige basiskennis en meer 'islamitisch begrip'; om zo goed mogelijk bij de praktijk aan te sluiten vertrekt de auteur vanuit mogelijke vragen van cliënten


Ethics of family. Ethics of sexuality --- Islam --- holebi's --- Sexology --- seksualiteit --- seksuele ethiek --- seksuele vorming --- Homoseksualiteit (homofilie) --- Moslim --- 613.885 --- Emancipatie --- Homoseksualiteit --- Migranten --- Relaties --- Liberté sexuelle --- BPB1102 --- discriminatie --- multiculturele samenleving --- religie --- Seksuele vrijheid --- Godsdienst --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen --- wolność seksualna --- libertate sexuală --- seksuaalinen vapaus --- seksuele vrijheid --- libertà sesswali --- libertà sessuale --- σεξουαλική ελευθερία --- сексуална свобода --- liberdade sexual --- seksuel frihed --- spolna sloboda --- sexuálna sloboda --- sexuelle Freiheit --- сексуална слобода --- spolna svoboda --- sexuell frihet --- seksuaalne vabadus --- sexuální svoboda --- lytinė laisvė --- liri seksuale --- sexual freedom --- seksuālā brīvība --- nemi szabadság --- libertad sexual --- сексуална солобода --- delitto contro la libertà sessuale --- tutela penale della libertà sessuale --- слобода на изразување на сексуалната определба --- sloboda seksualnoga opredjeljenja --- seksualinė laisvė --- слободна сексуална определба --- islám --- ισλαμισμός --- Iżlam --- islamas --- islams --- islamismo --- islam --- iszlám --- ислям --- ислам --- mahomedanism --- islamism --- moslimský veriaci --- islámské náboženství --- sunita --- islámská církev --- mohammedanisme --- šíita --- mohamedanizmus --- muslimi --- muhamedanisme --- mohamedánstvo --- Mohammedanism --- muhameedlus --- suna --- muhamedānisms --- muslimské náboženství --- muhamettilaisuus --- mahometonybė --- mešita --- Muhamedanizëm --- Erotiek --- Maatschappij --- Politiek --- Seksualiteit --- Theater --- Wetenschap --- Architectuur --- Film --- Cultuur --- Media --- Kleuter --- Technologie --- Kind --- Geschiedenis --- Voorlichting --- Filosofie --- Psychologie --- Sociologie --- Man --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Verpleegkunde --- Volwassene --- saoirse gnéis --- Ioslam --- LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, intersex and asexual) --- Liberté sexuelle --- Homosexuality --- Assistance --- Book

Sexe, prostitution et contes de fées : regard complice sur la liberté sexuelle
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782875420077 2875420070 Year: 2011 Publisher: Liège Luc Pire. E. Naimette

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Boutiques pornographiques --- Boutiques érotiques --- Brothels --- Commerce pornographique --- Commerce sexuel --- Commercial sex --- Contes de fées --- Fairy tales --- Fées [Contes de ] --- Hygiene [Social ] --- Industrie du sexe --- Industrie pornographique --- Industries du sexe --- Messageries roses --- Porno business --- Pornographie -- Industrie et commerce --- Prostitutie --- Prostitution --- Prostitution [Female ] --- Seksindustrie --- Sex business --- Sex businesses --- Sex industry --- Sex oriented businesses --- Sex related businesses --- Sex shops --- Sex-oriented businesses --- Sexe -- Commerce --- Sexe -- Industrie et commerce --- Sexualité -- Industrie et commerce --- Sexually oriented businesses --- Sprookjes --- Tales [Fairy ] --- White-slave traffic --- BPB1103 --- Liberté sexuelle --- Seksuele vrijheid --- wolność seksualna --- libertate sexuală --- seksuaalinen vapaus --- seksuele vrijheid --- libertà sesswali --- libertà sessuale --- σεξουαλική ελευθερία --- сексуална свобода --- liberdade sexual --- seksuel frihed --- spolna sloboda --- sexuálna sloboda --- sexuelle Freiheit --- сексуална слобода --- spolna svoboda --- sexuell frihet --- seksuaalne vabadus --- sexuální svoboda --- lytinė laisvė --- liri seksuale --- sexual freedom --- seksuālā brīvība --- nemi szabadság --- libertad sexual --- сексуална солобода --- delitto contro la libertà sessuale --- tutela penale della libertà sessuale --- слобода на изразување на сексуалната определба --- sloboda seksualnoga opredjeljenja --- seksualinė laisvė --- слободна сексуална определба --- prostitución --- prostytucja --- prostituutio --- проституција --- prostitucion --- prostitutie --- prostitúció --- prostituzione --- prostitucija --- prostitutsioon --- prostituție --- prostitution --- prostitūcija --- prostituce --- prostituição --- prostituzzjoni --- проституция --- prostitúcia --- πορνεία --- prostituzione femminile --- moterų prostitucija --- male prostitution --- sieviešu prostitūcija --- kvinnlig prostitution --- prostitucioni i fëmijëve --- bordélyház --- child prostitution --- prostitution masculine --- prostituție feminină --- машка проституција --- välittää prostituutiota --- weibliche Prostitution --- dječja prostitucija --- női prostitúció --- Kinderprostitution --- prostitúcia mužov --- prostituto --- kerítés --- prostituição masculina --- männliche Prostitution --- prostitución de menores --- prostituta --- miesprostituutio --- prostituzione minorile --- proxenetismo --- prostitución femenina --- prostituție masculină --- gyermekprostitúció --- детска проституција --- lapsiprostituutio --- prostituição infantil --- πορνεία ανδρών --- Kuppelei --- dětská prostituce --- ženska prostitucija --- sutenerisms --- kinderprostitutie --- kuplířství --- rufferi --- koppleri --- prostitution des enfants --- svodništvo --- подведување --- prostitucion i meshkujve --- πορνεία παιδιών --- meeste prostitutsioon --- πορνεία γυναικών --- prostitúcia žien --- prostituzione maschile --- prostitucion i femrave --- proxénétisme --- férfiprostitúció --- prostituição feminina --- naisprostituutio --- manlig prostitution --- koppelarij --- female prostitution --- μαστροπεία --- laste prostitutsioon --- prostituție infantilă --- proxenetisme --- prossenetismo --- vrouwelijke prostitutie --- mannelijke prostitutie --- muška prostitucija --- vaikų prostitucija --- bērnu prostitūcija --- barnprostitution --- mužská prostituce --- procuring --- vīriešu prostitūcija --- nedobrovolná prostituce --- prostitúcia detí --- ženská prostituce --- naiste prostitutsioon --- prostitution féminine --- vyrų prostitucija --- женска проституција --- kupliarstvo --- куплерај --- prostitución masculina --- sigurim klientele për prostitucion --- sąvadavimas --- ontucht --- prostitutsiooni vahendamine --- saoirse gnéis --- striapachas --- Liberté sexuelle

Une jeunesse sexuellement libérée (ou presque)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782226320124 Year: 2016 Publisher: [Paris] Albin Michel

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BPB1605 --- Jeune --- Liberté sexuelle --- wolność seksualna --- libertate sexuală --- seksuaalinen vapaus --- seksuele vrijheid --- libertà sesswali --- libertà sessuale --- σεξουαλική ελευθερία --- сексуална свобода --- liberdade sexual --- seksuel frihed --- spolna sloboda --- sexuálna sloboda --- sexuelle Freiheit --- сексуална слобода --- spolna svoboda --- sexuell frihet --- seksuaalne vabadus --- sexuální svoboda --- lytinė laisvė --- liri seksuale --- sexual freedom --- seksuālā brīvība --- nemi szabadság --- libertad sexual --- сексуална солобода --- delitto contro la libertà sessuale --- tutela penale della libertà sessuale --- слобода на изразување на сексуалната определба --- sloboda seksualnoga opredjeljenja --- seksualinė laisvė --- слободна сексуална определба --- fiatal személy --- nuori --- młodzież --- tânăr --- млад човек --- person në moshë të re --- jaunietis --- noor inimene --- junger Mensch --- mladý člověk --- young person --- mlad človek --- unge --- млада особа --- giovane --- jongere --- jovem --- jaunuolis --- mladý človek --- mlada osoba --- νέος --- младеж --- persuna żagħżugħa --- ungdom --- joven --- mládí --- nastolatki --- fiatal felnőtt --- младежи --- adoleshencë --- minderjarige --- Jugendlicher --- adolescent --- tinédzser --- jeugd --- nuoriso --- adolescenza --- юноша --- mladý muž --- jovens --- dospívání --- юношество --- żgħażagħ --- nuoret --- tineri --- adolescentie --- fiatal --- kiskorú --- mazgadīgie --- tinejđer --- young people --- Jugendalter --- youth --- niepełnoletni --- jauniete --- jeunes gens --- Minderjähriger --- mladež --- омладина --- noor --- νεαροί --- тинејџер --- adolescente --- nooruk --- nepilnametis --- të rinj --- pusaudža vecums --- adolescencija --- minore --- mladostna doba --- adolescence --- adolexxenza --- mladost --- mladostnik --- jaunimas --- jinoch --- fiatalkorú --- малолетник --- mladoletnik --- serdülő --- εφηβεία --- nastolatek --- minderårig --- paauglystė --- młodzi ludzie --- tineret --- tonåring --- ungt menneske --- mladá žena --- maloletá osoba --- непълнолетно лице --- teismeline --- mladík --- noorsugu --- mindreårig --- teenager --- ala-ikäinen --- púber --- mladi ljudje --- mažametis --- adolescencia --- mládež --- έφηβος --- ανήλικος --- адолесцент --- adolescență --- menor de idade --- mladí lidé --- νεότητα --- ifjúság --- mineur d'âge --- dospívající dívka --- teini-ikä --- nuoruus --- minuri --- kamasz --- pusaudzis --- gioventù --- mladí ľudia --- adolescência --- mladina --- unge mennesker --- minoren --- adolexxenti --- junior --- Jugend --- tiener --- juventude --- νεολαία --- menor de edad --- minor --- giovani --- żgħożija --- alaealine --- mladistvý --- nezletilý/nezletilá --- juventud --- jaunatne --- minorenne --- jóvenes --- adoleshent --- giovinezza --- Heranwachsender --- jeunesse --- paauglys --- żagħżugħ/a --- teini --- saoirse gnéis --- duine óg --- Liberté sexuelle

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